Transforming the Student Portal Experience at the University of the People

Embark on a journey of redesigning the University of the People Students Portal, where chaos transformed into clarity.


Apr - Nov 2021


Website/ WebApp

My role

UX/UI Designer & Researcher


Picture this – the University of the People Students Portal was a bit like a maze. Students had to jump through hoops to find what they needed, making the academic journey a tad confusing. But fear not, because from April 2021 to November 2021, as the Lead UX/UI Designer, I took the wheel to transform this portal into a smooth-sailing ship for every student


University of the People (UoPeople) is an online university, founded in 2009. It’s nonprofit, has no physical campus, and students learn online. The admission office is in California.


“When I first joined the University, I took a closer look at our student demographics and found that a significant chunk falls within the young age bracket, roughly between 20 to 40 years old. With this insight, I made a conscious decision to revamp our design strategy, aiming to establish a stronger connection with our youthful audience.

Possible audience of UoPeople

Tasked with transforming the visual identity to resonate with our predominantly young audience (20-40 yrs)

Understanding the Users

I didn’t just dive into design; I listened to the students. Through surveys and interviews, I heard their struggles – the complexity, the task management woes, and the need for a better user experience.

Survey questions

  1. How satisfied are you with the current Students Portal at the University of the People?
  2. How easy is it for you to find and access your course information using the current portal?
3. Are you able to complete the necessary tasks and actions related to your studies effectively through the current portal?
4. How would you rate the overall user experience of the current portal?
5. What features or improvements would you like to see in a new and improved Students Portal?
6. What specific challenges or difficulties have you encountered while using the current Students Portal?

Key Takeaways

  • Majority of the respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the current Students Portal.
  • Users find it difficult to locate and access their course information.
  • Completing tasks and actions related to studies is a challenge for many users.
  • The overall user experience of the current portal is rated as poor.
  • Users highlighted the need for improved navigation and enhanced features in a new portal.
  • Clarity, simplicity, and ease of use were identified as key priorities for a new Students Portal.



Navigation Complexity

Since 2015, UoPeople portal experience has not been changed. Here are the key problems with the core experience.

Defining the problem

" Craft a user-friendly portal where everything a student needs is just a click away. "

User persona

Busy student Emma Mitchell needs a Students Portal that’s super easy to use. She wants quick access to important info, smooth task management, and a simple, friendly experience. Without these tweaks, Emma’s academic journey might hit a few bumps, affecting her productivity and overall satisfaction.

User persona

User Persona

Emma Mitchell


  • Age: 23
  • occupation: Computer Science Student


  • Stay on top of things: Emma aims to keep her course stuff organized – assignments, deadlines, you name it!
  • Easy info access: Emma just wants to breeze through important university info without breaking a sweat.

Pain point

  • Balancing classes, part-time work, and personal life? Emma’s feeling the time crunch.
  • Emma’s on a quest to find specific course materials on the student portal – a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack.

User Journey Map

Facilitate students’ seamless interaction and navigation through the University of the People Students Portal, cultivating a productive and favourable learning encounter.

Starting the Design Process

Digital Wireframe

Transitioning from paper to digital wireframes clarified how the redesign could alleviate user challenges and enhance the user experience.
Strategically prioritizing button placements and visual elements on the home page played a pivotal role in my approach.


Colors at Uopeople aren’t just hues; they’re emotions on a canvas. From welcoming brights to cozy tones, each color tells a story of warmth and connection. It’s not just about what you see; it’s about how you feel. Every color is a brushstroke, creating an atmosphere of good vibes and homey comfort.

We tried out different looks, tweaking the colors and putting the spotlight on “People” to shout out that we’re the gateway to higher education.


All About You:

We revamped our buttons to make sure your experience is top-notch and super easy.

Old vs. New Dashboard:

Old Dashboard

A metro of University apps, where students must enter each one to find information and take action.

Navigation Complexity

Finding what you need in the Students Portal can be a bit tricky and frustrating. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack, and that makes things slower and a bit of a hassle.

Old Dashboard

Empowering students to view their current information and take the necessary actions with ease.


At the top, a personalized message from the advisor greets the student, which can be compressed to not take valuable space, followed by four commonly used applications below.

Side Drawer

Useful apps that the student can use.
Calendar – The student can see exams, paying dates, term ends etc.
Notifications – Massages from the University.
Requests – Requests from the University.
Social Media – Social channels of the University – Yammer. Facebook, Linkedin.


Big Changes, Big Impact:

Guess what? Our design adventure wasn’t just for fun. It led to a major boost in registrations! The cool color palette, chill logo, and user-friendly tweaks made a real difference.

Let’s Connect!

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on the University of the People Portal!
If you’d like to get in touch, my contact information is provided below.


