Quantum Harmony Unleashed: Exploring the Future With Infinity Quantum

Where Quantum Meets Innovation: A Journey into the Next Frontier of Computing with Infinity Quantum.


Jul 2023 - Jan 2024


Website/ WebApp

My role

UX/UI Designer & Researcher


Embark on a quantum adventure with Infinity Quantum, a cutting-edge project by Quantum Machines that’s making quantum computing accessible and transformative. Get ready to dive into a world where classical and quantum resources harmonize to redefine the boundaries of research and innovation.

My Role

I’m the lead product designer for this project. I collaborated with product manager throughout this project


We faced the challenge of making quantum computing visually accessible. How do you translate complex quantum concepts into an intuitive design that researchers and developers can effortlessly navigate? In the rapidly evolving landscape of quantum computing, the Quantum Machine website faces challenges that hinder its effectiveness in delivering relevant and accessible information to its target audience. Several key issues need to be addressed to enhance the overall user experience and ensure that the website remains a valuable resource in the quantum computing domain.

Defining the problem

" How can we visually simplify complex quantum concepts for intuitive design, ensuring accessibility for researchers and developers?"

Design Thinking Process

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving that involves empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing. Applying the design thinking process to the Quantum Machine website involves understanding the needs of users, ideating solutions, and iterating through feedback.





User Personas

An avid quantum researcher desires a user-friendly design to simplify complex quantum concepts. Existing challenges in visual representation hinder efficient research. The new dashboard offers an intuitive interface, enabling seamless navigation of intricate quantum data and fostering breakthroughs in quantum exploration.


  • Age: 33
  • Occupation: System Administrator

Pain point

  • Amir struggles with interpreting complex quantum data visually.
  • The intricate nature of quantum concepts poses challenges in decision-making.

How new dashboard helps

  • The new dashboard simplifies complex quantum concepts for intuitive comprehension.
  • Provides an intuitive interface for efficient navigation and decision-making in quantum exploration.


  • Age: 25
  • Occupation: IT Support Engineer

Pain point

  • Itay finds it challenging to effectively evaluate potential chip purchases for quantum machines.
  • Limited understanding of the full capabilities offered by quantum machines.

How new dashboard helps

  • Infinity Quantum’s advanced testbed allows hands-on evaluation of potential chip purchases.
  • Access to resources like the cryostat and Quantum Machines control solutions facilitates experimentation and discovery of new capabilities


low fidelity wireframes helped us craft a better story for the end users. This also helped to bring all the stake holders on the same page


Embarking on the design journey, we drew inspiration from the core principles of accessibility and user engagement. The objective was to personify the brand, shaping its identity and logo to communicate its instrumental role in simplifying complex quantum concepts for researchers and developers. Adopting a visually striking color palette, animations, and thoughtful spacing, our design aimed to enhance user understanding, drawing attention to details while fostering enthusiasm and intelligence in the quantum computing space.



Poppins, a modern and versatile typeface, adds a touch of sophistication and clarity to the design, embodying a perfect balance between elegance and readability.

UI Elements

To ensure design scalability, brand recognition & consistency across all digital touchpoints, we developed a complete UI ket.


The deep and resonant shade of #221E49 serves as the primary color, exuding a sense of sophistication and creating a visually compelling narrative for the case study.

Brand colors

All About You:

We revamped our buttons to make sure your experience is top-notch and super easy.

User interface

Infinity Quantum’s interface is intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly, designed to enhance the overall experience and engagement.

1. Dashboard

Dashboard act as a centralized hub where users can manage, monitor, and control their quantum computing resources. The dashboard aims to enhance the user experience by providing easy access to relevant information, tools, and controls.

2. Reservations

It shows available quantum machines and their specifications in a structured and easily digestible tabular format. This feature allows users to compare different quantum machines side by side, aiding them in making informed decisions when selecting the most suitable machine for their needs.

3. Information Page

It is a dedicated section or page that provides comprehensive and detailed information about the services, policies, and technical aspects of quantum machine rentals. This feature aims to educate users, answer common queries, and guide them through the process of renting quantum machines.

4. My users

It refers to a personalized user account section where individuals can manage their profile, monitor usage, access booking history, and customize their experience. This feature enhances user engagement and provides a seamless interface for users to interact with the quantum machine renting platform.

Final Screens

Dark theme

Responsive Design

Next steps

Continue to design better experiences

To follow through our product roadmap and continue to stick to our design principles.

Thank you for reading through! Hope you enjoyed learning about my design and thought process. 🙂

Let’s Connect!

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on Infinity Quantum!
If you’d like to get in touch, my contact information is provided below.



