
UX/UI Designer

Project Overview

AppCard is a groundbreaking platform that has transformed customer engagement with retail businesses. This solution encompasses loyalty and engagement, enabling businesses to establish and oversee impactful loyalty programs. With a primary emphasis on digital coupons and discounts, AppCard streamlines coupon redemption, offering users digital access and storage on their mobile devices. This innovation elevates customer convenience, bolsters retention rates, and furnishes invaluable insights into customer behavior and preferences for businesses..

UX/UI Designer

Jan 2019 to Sep 2019


Traditional retail sales lack effective methods for analyzing customer behavior and targeting marketing efforts. Businesses struggle to maximize customer lifetime value and face challenges reaching their target audience with personalized offers.

The Goal

The project aimed to leverage data-driven marketing strategies and create a user-centric design solution. This solution empowers businesses to analyze customer behavior, target specific demographics, and motivate customers to increase their lifetime value.

My Role

As the UX/UI Lead Designer at AppCard, my responsibilities included developing user-centered web and mobile experiences, conducting research, prototyping, and implementing designs for business growth.


I led UX/UI design projects, conducted user research, created prototypes, and ensured seamless design implementation for AppCard’s global data-driven marketing platform.

Understanding the User

User Survey Questions

Our survey questions were thoughtfully crafted to gather valuable insights into customers’ experiences with loyalty programs. We delved into their preferences regarding rewards, communication, and gathered suggestions for enhancements. Key inquiries comprised:

Key Takeaways

  • Most respondents actively utilize loyalty programs and consider them influential in their purchasing decisions.

  • While customers generally express satisfaction with loyalty programs, they place high value on personalized rewards and incentives.

  • Preferred communication channels vary, with email and mobile apps being the most prevalent choices.

  • Challenges revolve around difficulties in tracking rewards, encountering irrelevant offers, and navigating complex program structures.

  • Customers express a desire for features such as simplified redemption processes, seamless mobile integration, and personalized recommendations.

  • Positive experiences with loyalty programs significantly enhance the likelihood of recommending a business to others.

User Research: Pain Points


Program Complexity

Users frequently encounter confusion and frustration due to complex loyalty program structures and rules, leading to decreased engagement.


Tracking Challenge

Many users struggle to effectively monitor their rewards, points, and redemption options, resulting in a subpar user experience.


Irrelevant Offers

Users are often inundated with offers and promotions that do not align with their preferences or shopping habits, diminishing the perceived value of the loyalty program.

User Persona

Problem Statment

Mark Thompson is a marketing manager who needs a comprehensive customer loyalty and engagement platform like AppCard because the lack of an effective loyalty program and customer insights hinders his ability to drive customer retention, increase repeat purchases, and make data-driven marketing decisions.

User Journey Map

Enhance customer loyalty and revenue growth using AppCard’s data-driven marketing platform. Provide personalized experiences and maximize customer lifetime value.

Starting the Design


Initial designs incorporated some customization, but post usability studies, I overhauled the design to ensure user-friendly app navigation.


AppCard End-User Site

Splash Screen

The initial screen displayed when launching the AppCard app, setting the tone for the user experience.

Coupons Screen

Users have the option to clip coupons and subsequently redeem them at participating merchant stores.


The user’s personal profile information is housed here for easy management and access.


User receipts are conveniently centralized in this section for easy access and reference.

Mail Box

A central location where all communications and messages for the stores the user is associated with are collected and organized.

Store Information

Comprehensive details about the store, including information about all its branches.

The Login Flow

An overview of the step-by-step process for user login within the app.

AppCard App Login Flow

Start a New Campaign

Merchants can choose the type of campaign to initiate. They can opt for suggested campaigns tailored to their campaign history or select from a broader range of template campaigns.

Account Details

Merchants can manage their store details and the available rewards programs for their stores in this section.

Accessibility Considerations


Enabled Accessibility for Vision-Impaired Users

Implemented alt text for images to ensure compatibility with screen readers, enhancing accessibility for users with visual impairments.


Enhanced Navigation with Icons

Incorporated icons to improve navigation, benefiting users with various abilities.

Going Forward


By adopting the AppCard platform, businesses can elevate customer retention rates, stimulate repeat purchases, and attain vital insights into customer behavior. This, in turn, propels revenue growth and nurtures enduring customer loyalty.

What I learned

My engagement with the AppCard project provided invaluable experience in designing and executing a robust loyalty and engagement platform. I harnessed data-driven marketing strategies to enhance customer experiences and contribute to business triumph.

Next Steps


Validate Solutions with Usability Studies

Conduct another round of usability studies to verify if the identified pain points have been successfully addressed and to gather additional user feedback.


Explore Further User Needs

Expand user research efforts to uncover any emerging areas of need or opportunities for improvement in the platform’s design and functionality.

Let’s Connect!

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on Appcard!
If you’d like to get in touch, my contact information is provided below.


