Rocket Kid

Game Designer & Developer


I always liked video games, and decided I’d like to build one.
This is the result, a game I designed and developed.

Game Designer and Developer


The Game

I wanted to create an easy game in order for me to understand the complexity of designing and creating games and decided to create a game of a kid that tries to fly higher in the sky while avoiding traps.

Sketch to Colors

I like these cute fat figures, and  so I drawed the kid in this style.


A little animation for the movement.


I wanted to create a cute and inviting logo and of course, maintaining the design of the main character and so, I created this logo for the game. 


Start Screen

introduction to the game.  

Get Ready Screen

Gives an explanation on how the to move throughout the game.  

The Game

Screenshot of the first screen of the game itself. You must move the kid to the right or left and avoid bumping into the obstacles.

Depicted on the bottom left there is your score. On the bottom right there is a pause button.   

Game Over Screen

If you bump into one of the obstacles, you lose. This screen depicts your score in the current level and the best score you achieved so far throughout the game. 


Let’s Connect!

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on the Rocket Kid Game Design!
If you’d like to get in touch, my contact information is provided below.


